Cab Heater (Resolved)

07 Oct 2015 08:19 - 07 Oct 2015 08:21 #8647 by AJ WH Ranger
Replied by AJ WH Ranger on topic Cab Heater (Resolved)

JustinW.73 wrote:

AJ WH Ranger wrote: But anyway.. Depending on your current fans cfm capacity. You might want to look into a large computer fan. They are DC :bliss

Like one out of just any old computer? Are they pretty "powerful"

You can get some that are powerful but the typical fan will only push around 30-60 CFM. But some of the bigger ones (120mm) can push up to 250 CFM. You could even get one that lights up red or something. I have a few of those in my gaming rig. :dance1

Bassin' and Horsin' around!

66 Lawn Ranger
68 Lawn Ranger
72 Charger 10 auto
74 C-100 8-Speed
81 C-101 Blackhood
Last edit: 07 Oct 2015 08:21 by AJ WH Ranger.

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